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Editorial Requirements and Guidelines for the Articles

Editorial office accepts for publication the articles that have not been published previously . The Journal is issued in three languages: English, Ukrainian, and Russian. The authors are kindly asked to submit the articles in these three languages. Under certain circumstance, the article may be submitted in one of the above-mentioned languages, which should be communicated to the editorial office.

The content of the article should unfold according to the following plan: statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest publications and scientific research in which the problem has been discussed and which constitute the basis for the author's research; outlining the elements within the main problem that remain unsolved and that the article will deal with; determination of the objectives of the article; presentation of the material of the article along with author's findings; resume of such presentation and perspectives of this problem's investigation in the future. All the above-mentioned elements should be stylistically indicated in the article, but they do not need to have graphical expression.

The article should be accompanied with a review prepared by a leading scientist(s) (doctor of sciences or professor) or with an abstract of the minutes of faculty meeting with the recommendation for press.

To ensure feedback and communication between the editor and authors, it is necessary to provide the author's personal details: author's first name, last name, and patronymic; author's position; scientific degree; address; and telephone number (office and/or home, fax).

The article should be submitted via e-mail: alma-mater@list.ru.

The article (min 10 pages) is printed on A4 format pages with 14-point type and Times New Roman font. MS Word is preferable. Top margin is 2 cm, bottom margin is 2 cm, left margin is 3 cm, right margin is 1,5 cm. Line spacing is 1,5.

Information about UDC is placed in the top left corner, regular font style and no indentation.

References to the sources are given in square brackets after quotations. The first figure is the number of the source in the list of sources following the article, the second figure is the page in the referenced source, e.g. [1, p. 21].

The list of sources and notes are given at the end of the article after the word “References” in the order of appearance. They are organized according to general bibliographic requirements for organizing doctoral dissertations. Bibliographic sources are given indented; the author's last name (or the first word of the title) should be bold. Example:


       1. Bezpal'ko  O. V. Orhanizatsiya sotsial'no-pedahohichnoyi poboty z dit'my ta moloddyu u teritorial'niy hromadi [The Organization of the Social and Pedagogical Work with Children and Youth within the Local Community]: theoretical and methodological basis: monography. Kyiv: Naukovy svit. 2006. 363 p. (ukr)
       2. Styshov  O. A. Ukrayins'ka leksyka kintsya 20 stolittya (na materiali movy zasobiv masovoyi informatsiyi) [Ukrainian Lexis of the end of the 20 th Century (on the Basis of Mass Media Speech)]: 2 nd edition, reprinted. Kyiv: Puhach. 2005. 388 p. (ukr)
       3. Burdina S. V. Systema pidhotovky mahistriv upravlinnya osvitoyu u vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladakh SShA [The System of Training of Masters of Educational Management in American Higher Educational Establishments]. Doctoral Dissertation: 13.00.06. (Theory and Principles of the Management of Education). Luhansk. 2008. 20 p. (ukr)
       4. Ryzhanova A. O. Rozvytok sotsial'noyi pedahohiky v sotsiokul'turnomy konteksti [The Development of Social Pedagogy in the Socio-cultural Context]: Doctoral Dissertation: 13.00.05. Luhansk. 2005. 442 p. (ukr)
       5. Smerichevs'ka S. V. Stratehichni napryamy rozvytku vyshchoho navchal'noho zaklady v umovakh transformatsiyi ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Strategic Directions of the Development of Higher Educational Establishments in the Context of Economic Transformations in Ukraine ]. Skhid . 2008. No. 7 (91), retrieved on January 15, 2004 from http://www.experts.in.ua/baza/analitic/index.php? ELEMENT_ID=35463
       6. Bessant , J & Webber, R 2001, 'Policy and the youth sector: youth peaks and why we need them', Youth Studies Australia , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 43-47.
       7. Robbins , SP 2004, Organizational behaviour, 11th edn, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River , NJ .
      8. Department of Education, Science and Training 2003, The national report on higher education in Australia (2001) , Department of Education, Science and Training, Canberra, viewed 13 October, 2004, <http://www.dest.gov.au/highered/otherpub/national_report/default.htm>.

The author shall check the sources he/she refers to for the registered Digital Identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI).
DOI of an original work can be found on the websitehttp://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery.
Examples of the references reproducing DOI are listed below:

      1. Kornack, D. Rakic, P. Cell Proliferation Without Neurogenesis in Adult Primate Neocortex. Science. 2001, no. 294 (5549), 2127-2130, doi:10.1126/science.1065467. (eng)
      2. Cell Biology: A cat cloned by nuclear transplantation. Nature AOP. 2002. doi:10.1038/nature723. (eng)

The article is followed by three annotations of 22 lines in Ukrainian, Russian, and English containing the author's first name, last name and patronymic, title of the article, and key words (3 – 5 notions).

Articles that do not meet these requirements of submittion and organization will not be considered and published. The editorial office reserves the right to edit and shorten the articles.


© Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, 2012 – 2014