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2013, ¹ 1

Zelens’ka L. D. The Activity of the Academic Councils of the 19th Century Universities

Zelens’ka L. D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School Pedagogy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.

The practice of activity of all-university collegiate organs (academic councils) during the 19th Century is generalized in the given article. The directions of work on the certain educational tasks that, despite of socio-political, economic and educational determinants, were fulfilled by the scholars of university academic councils during the period under consideration are outlined. The functions, which Soviet university academic councils performed, are defined on the basis of the normative analyses. The range of challenges dealt by the academic council during developing rules for students, e.g. a) on the duties of students and following rules, b) on punishment for students, c) on admission to a university and allowance for third persons to attend a course of lectures, d) on transference from between universities and departments, e) on withdraw from the university, etc. is discussed. The methods of encouragement of scientific and research work of both the higher-education teaching personnel and students are covered. Taking into consideration the specifity of government reforms in the sphere of higher education during this period, the meaningful directions of the performance of the above-mentioned functions by academic councils in Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Novorossiysk universities are characterized.

Key words: university, academic council, activity, functions, directions, content.


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