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2013, ¹ 2

Roman S. V. The Concept “Ecological and Humanist Values” in the Context of the Secondary School Chemistry Education

Roman SV., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

The modern civilization is fraught with not only ecological danger, but also anthropological disaster – destruction of the human being. It creates a priority of constructive and converting influence of ecological and humanistic values on all areas of life and determines a keynote of general educational training, as an area of the most immense and systematic sphere of education, as well as formation of these values in secondary school students. The use of the terms “ecological” and “humanistic” in the creation of the concept “ecological and humanistic values” is theoretically justified and it is expedient from a position of interaction of ecological, humanistic theories and the theory of values. In the article the content of the concept “ecological and humanistic values” in the context of school chemical education is defined through the identification of its components – “humanistic values” and “ecological values”. This allows author to formulate definition of this concept. The ecological and humanistic values are considered as a set of significant ideas, norms, principles and ideals of public and personal work which serve as the examples of humanity, morality, and ecocentric ecological ethics, define socially significant, as well as reveals the nature of ecochemically safe behavior of the person aimed to preservation of his/her life and health, protection of the current and future generations. The author outlines the necessity of formation of the exclusively conscious and resistant subjective activity that contains positive moral and valuable human’s attitude to the world and other people.

Key words: ecological and humanistic values, concept, secondary school chemistry education.


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