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2013, ¹ 2

Smolins’ka O. Ye. Modern Pedagogical University, Its Cultural and Educational Space and Pedagogical Professionalism of its Graduates

Smolins’ka Î. Ye., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, Drogobych I. Ya. Franko State Pedagogical University.

The article is devoted to the problem of higher education in general, and pedagogical education in particular, which is often viewed through the prism of the interrelation between personal and organizational components, i.e., as a matter of the human existence in the social environment, including the aspects of the selection, adaptation, and sharing of values, etc.
The article points to the relationship among the matter of pedagogical university, its cultural and educational space, and the pedagogical professionalism of its graduates from the standpoint of the phenomenological approach. Special attention is paid to the institutionalization of professionalism as an essential factor in the study of the processes that, at first sight, may seem unrelated phenomena of the cultural and educational space, but become, over time, its essential characteristics. An example of such evolution is the transition of market economy values to the university pedagogical education.
The author sees pedagogical professionalism as an institutionally conditioned phenomenon, emerging under certain cultural and educational conditions of universities. Thus, the formation of the professional skills of future teachers can and should start in the universities, which “set the tone” to the in-service development of professional identity.

Key words: pedagogical university, cultural and educational space, pedagogical professionalism.


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