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2013, ¹ 3

Sushchenko L. O. The Formation of the Analytical Skills of Prospective Teachers by means of Interactive Technology

Sushchenko L. Î., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, The Classic Private University (Zaporizhzhia).

The article attempts to clarify the nature of the impact of research work on the process of the formation of the analytical skills of future teachers by means of interactive technology. The article features the analysis of psychological and pedagogical works on university education, in which leading scholars explore the ways these skills are formed, characterize the concept of analytics, and introduce the concept of analytical work.
The author provides the detailed description of the experimental work with the students that incorporates the system of research tasks and is based on the requirements to the training of future teachers. Concrete examples show the usefulness of the dispute during lectures. Special attention is paid to the organization of students' work in groups using discussions as a form of educative interactions in subgroups.
Along with the advantages of the students' group work, such as a better understanding and retention of learning material, development of the heuristic inclinations and independence of students, and improvement of interpersonal relations among students, the author highlights some weaknesses of this form of training, as well as the challenges to be considered when introducing it into the university classroom.

Key words: analytical skills, research work, future teacher, professional training.


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