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2013, ¹ 4

Pokatilova Î. Î. The Methodology of Teaching High School Students to Use Culturological Analysis in World Literature Classes

DOI: 10.12958/EPS.4(159).Pokatilova_O_O

Pokatilova Î. Î., Teaching Assistant, Department of World Literature, Luhans’k Taras Shevchenko National University.

The article addresses one of the urgent issues of the methodology of teaching literature – culturological analysis of texts during world literature classes. The author defines the term “culturological analysis”, presents a plan, which makes this analysis truly sequential, and highlights the key concepts that help to create certain inter-art parallels among different types of art and literary works. The content of the methodology of culturological analysis, which consists of three interconnected components: historical literary and historical cultural materials, theory of literature and theory of art concepts, and literary and art criticism, is substantiated in the article as well. The definition of the “culturological space” of the writer, which is to be “reconstructed” and used during world literature classes devoted to the in-depth study of literary works, is given.
The author also identifies the prospective lines of the further improvement of the learning activities offered to students during world literature classes. These types of learning activities are rooted in the traditional classification of methods of teaching World Literature.
The article features an example of a comprehensive culturological analysis sequence proposed for the use during the class sessions devoted to the study of the Silver Age literature.

Key words: culturological analysis, culturological space, inter-art parallels, learning activities.


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