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2013, ¹ 4

Roman SV. The Conception of the Integration of Axiological and System Approaches to the Development of Ecological and Humanistic Values in the Process of Secondary School Chemistry Education

DOI: 10.12958/EPS.4(159).Roman_S_V

Roman SV., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Luhans’k Taras Shevchenko National University.

Integration in the field of secondary school education should represent the highest form of the expression of the unity of the purposes, principles, and content of the organization of the process of training and education, the functioning of which leads to shaping a qualitatively new holistic system of knowledge and skills in students. It concerns, in the first place, the need for the development and establishment of a new system of values in the context of the general modernization of educational system. To address this need, the author attempted to create a conception of the integration of axiological and system approaches to the formation of ecological and humanistic values in the process of secondary school chemistry education.
Such integration entails the search for the universal axiological regularities typical for chemistry, ecology, and other sciences; maintaining cultural and historical, as well as ecological and ethical focus when presenting educational material; emphasis on the figurative and metaphorical perception of knowledge through which it acquires subjective expression and spiritual and moral meaning for students; interpretation of scientific concepts, events, and facts through the prism of the frame of reference of individual scientists as carriers of different values.

Key words: concept, integration, axiological approach, system approach, ecological and humanistic values, secondary school chemistry education.


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