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2013, ¹ 4

Berehova H. D. Philosophical Component in the Educational Process of the Agricultural Higher Educational Establishments of Ukraine

DOI: 10.12958/EPS.4(159).Berehova_H_D

Berehova H. D., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Chair, Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Kherson State Agricultural University.

The article defines the role and place of the philosophical component in the segment of the national system of higher education that is focused on agricultural sciences. The author argues that it is necessary to analyze the prerequisites for the development of new approaches to teaching/learning in the national higher educational establishments of agricultural focus, as well as to revise the existing educational paradigms, particularly in the area of philosophical education, and to select the optimal guidelines to direct the educational process at creating an axiological model of the person of the future.
The analysis of the theory and practice of teaching students-agrarians revealed a number of challenges in this sphere. These challenges constitute distinct pressure points along which the creation of a new conception of the philosophy of education for agrarian universities in Ukraine aimed at shaping a new, modern outlook of future agrarians should be framed.
To create a new conception of education in Ukraine, it is essential to change the status of humanities and social sciences in the educational process, improve curricula and the content of educational materials, and to revise the structure of philosophical knowledge in accordance with the general focus of universities, as well as to better fit individual concentrations offered by them.

Key words: philosophy of education, educational paradigms, agrarian education, philosophical knowledge.


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