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2013, ¹ 4

Berezivs’ka L. D. The National Policy regarding the Differentiation of the Organization and Content of Secondary School Education in Ukraine (end of the 1930s – beginning of the 1950s)

DOI: 10.12958/EPS.4(159).Berezivska_L_D

Berezivs’ka L. D., Doctor of Education, Professor; Chief Research Scientist, the History of Education Research Laboratory;     Academic Secretary, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv).

The article uncovers the characteristics of the educational policy of the Soviet government regarding the differentiation of the organization and content of secondary school education in the late 1930s – early 1950s. Special attention is given to the types and forms of differentiation that were developed in the Ukrainian SSR during and immediately after World War II.
It is proved that the Ukrainian SSR operated state, centralized, authoritarian, and fee-paying educational system. At the same time, this system was differentiated according to gender, territorial, and age criteria; less common differentiation options included national identity, profession/vocation, and social status. Furthermore, World War II became a powerful factor of the socio-political, socio-economic, pedagogical, and cultural transformation of the secondary education of the time.
The author determines that, despite contradictory secondary school policies of the Soviet government, it contributed to the increase in the number of secondary educational institutions of different types in Ukraine (schools for the working youth, schools for the rural youth, schools differentiated by gender (single-sex schools), etc.).

Key words: secondary school policy, the differentiation of the organization and the content of secondary education, forms and criteria of the differentiation of instruction.


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