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2014, ¹ 1

Stepashko V. O. Adaptive Management of Student Scientific Research

Stepashko V. Î., Associate Professor, Department of Education, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky Hryhoriy Skovoroda State Pedagogical University.

The article deals with the development of the theory of the student scientific research management. The highlights of the theory are the target management based on results; cross-level management; combining external management and self-management; and providing for student self-development. Combination of management and self-management ensures student self-development. Self-management is aimed at self-development. The management of student scientific research is aimed at the development of their creative abilities, formation of their competence by means of creating organizational, educational, and psychological conditions, as well as at the self-organization to encourage self-development. The process of self-development results in a range of qualitative changes, including the increased competency level, the formation of research skills and abilities, etc.
The author comes to the conclusion that the key factor in effective student research management is the implementation of the adaptive principle, which allows the administration of the higher educational institution to achieve the emergence effect and equips the participants of the managerial activity with the adaptive mobility and helps them to realize the preactive management. The efforts of the management process participants, therefore, have to be aimed at the control and analysis of the outcomes, while scientific research should promote the natural development of every student.

Key words: target management, self-management, target functions, preactive management, cross-level management.


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