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2014, ¹ 2

Pryima S. Ì. Synergistic and Information Approach as a Methodological Tool of Studying Open Adult Education

Pryima S. Ì., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Cybernetics, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The article contains the analysis of contemporary philosophical and methodological tools aimed at the selection of the methodology for studying the phenomenon of the open adult education.
The systems approach, which is the dominant one in the philosophy of rationalism, is characterized by a range of restrictions in studying such complicated, dynamic, and non-linear phenomena, as open world and open education. It was concluded that the most adequate post-non-classical methodology for the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the open adult education is the synergistic and information approach.
Synergistic and information approach deals with a non-linear development as in the case of bifurcation, i.e., when a new personal or social quality is not a result of natural slow development, but is a consequence of a choice of one of the variants of development under the influence of collective and individual relations, which radically changes the direction of not only social phenomena, but human nature as well. It is proved that it is the synergistic and information approach that completely and thoroughly embraces the modern world outlook and enables the conceptualization within the concept of the open adult education of such categories as “openness” and “information”.

Key words: openness, information, open adult education, systems approach, synergistic and information approach.


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