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2014, ¹ 2

Idrisova N. O. Antique Systems of Raising and Educating Children in the Modern Context of a Healthy Lifestyle

Idrisova N. Î., Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Art, Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

The article presents the theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic publications on the history of pedagogy that study antique systems of raising and educating children, as well as a comparative analysis of ancient educational systems in the context of their views on and approaches to forming a healthy lifestyle in the younger generation.
The essential features and goals of family and public education, the role and importance of personal and public hygiene, proper diet, avoiding harmful habits, and forming a need for an active lifestyle are described in detail. Some elements of ancient education, namely the development of introspection and self-criticism, can be employed to form a well-rounded harmonious personality in today’s globalized world.
The paper reflects on the historical evolution of the socially oriented Greek system of education to the ancient Roman personally oriented education. A comparative analysis of these systems highlights their relevance for modern pedagogy. Furthermore, some of their elements can be used in the modern secondary school education to actualize interdisciplinary ties: materials of a school course of history can be used to illustrate the importance and develop a healthy lifestyle in students.

Key words: antique system of raising and educating children, Sparta, Athens, Rome, healthy lifestyle.


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