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2013, ¹ 5 – 6

Herasymenko L. V. Freedom as the Basic Principle of the Organization of Educational Process in P. Kapterev’s Didactics

Herasymenko L. V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Pedagogy, and Philosophy, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostohradskyi National University; Doctoral Student, Department of General Pedagogy and Higher Education Pedagogy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.

The article reveals the historical roots of the emergence of the principle of freedom as the foundation of the pedagogical process connected with the humanization and democratization of schooling. In this regard, the author analyses the humanistic theory of P. Kapterev, an outstanding national educator and psychologist of the second half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries, which is based on the idea of self-development of student’s personality in the educational process. Special attention is given to the principle of freedom as the fundamental principle of the scholar’s scientific approach, which justifies the necessity to ensure the autonomy of the school and the educational process, students’ freedom, and the democratization of their relationship.
The following practical ways of the realization of the principle of freedom in the organization of the education are considered: freedom in the content of education was assured by a system of electives offered to students, whereas the individualization of education, the consideration of students’ interests and needs were realized through furcations. The educator’s theory is examined in the context of the humanistic views of the representatives of the progressive pedagogy developed during the period under consideration: Ya. Hurevych, S. Myropolskyy, N. Pirogov, V. Stoyunin, L. Tolstoy, P. Yurkevych.

Key words: principle of freedom, educational process, autonomy of educational process.


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