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2014, № 1

Ustymenko-Kosorich О. A. Comparative Analysis of the Content of Training of Accordion and Bayan Players in Higher Educational Institutions of Art in Serbia and Ukraine

Ustimenko-Kosorich О. А., Candidate of History of Arts, Associate Professor, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

The article reviews the content of training of accordion and bayan players in higher educational institutions of art in Serbia and Ukraine. The comparative analysis of music education in these countries shows that Serbian universities have more opportunities for developing curricular content for accordion and bayan players comparing to Ukrainian ones; the distribution requirements differ as well. The curriculum for such specialties as “Musical Art” and “Music Pedagogy” is common for all higher educational institutions of art in Serbia and is divided into general education, theory of music, specialization, and methodology of teaching blocks. General education block is limited and includes such obligatory academic disciplines as “Sociology of Culture and Art” and “Psychology of Art”; at the same time, other blocks (those containing professionally-relevant academic disciplines) are given more curricular hours.
The results of the comparative analysis of the curricula in Serbian and Ukrainian higher educational establishments of art can stimulate the exchange of the best practices in the area of performing arts and teaching music between the two countries for the purpose of improving the quality of training of bayan and accordion players.

Key words: academic discipline, curriculum, studio, educational and qualificational level, training.


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