Korniychuk O. E. Innovative Methods and Techniques of Teaching Mathematical Modeling and Research into the Manufacturing Process Management
Korniychuk O. E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences , Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Mathematics and General Engineering Disciplines, Department of Computer Technology and System Modeling, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University.
The article presents the implementation of some methods of mathematical modeling and operations research in the educational process , namely the solution of real-life problems based on the matrix theory applying the system of computer mathematics Mathcad. It describes the methods of generating and analyzing mathematical models for a manufacturing planning problem utilizing the balance model of multi-branch economy, as well as problems of finding the optimal cropping pattern . The algorithms and problem- solving techniques of these models are set forth in the package Mathcad.
Key words: operations research , optimization problem , model, mathematical modeling, decision-making , systems of computer mathematics.
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