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Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Dear Readers!

The first issue of the Journal "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" is in front of you. This is not a new journal, and not a new project, but the 150th anniversary issue of the Ukrainian scientific and methodological Journal "Education in Donbas Region", the edition successfully combining the best traditions of the national pedagogy of the 1920s and the guidelines of the leading-edge educational theory and practice of the 21st Century.

In 1922 in Bakhmut, the capital of Donetsk guberniya (now Artemivs'k), the first issue of "Donbas Education" was published. In those years, it was just about the only communication vehicle of government agencies with schools and teachers. However, three years after its foundation, the Journal still could not measure up to the level of a scientific and methodological publication; therefore, in 1925, the Editorial Office was transferred to Luhansk, where the Donetsk Institute of National Education could pride itself on the best research and teaching staff. In 1925, the Journal launched a publication in Ukrainian titled " Soviet School " as the official journal of the District Department of Education and Donetsk Institute of National Education (DINE). In 1930, in accordance with the administrative-territorial reform, the Journal was completely handed over to the Institute. However, as soon as in 1931, due to the aggravation of the drastic monopolization and repression policy of the Soviet state, the publication of the Journal was suspended, just like many other regional publications of that time in the former Soviet Union. Nonetheless, nine years of productive work allowed 86 issues to come out. At that time, the Journal was one of the best pedagogical publications in Ukraine , the center of scientific and pedagogical thought of Donbas region. It featured the articles of the leaders of education, such as H. Hrynko, Ya. Ryappo, M. Skrypnyk, prominent scientists of DINE, teachers, such as  S. Hrushevsky,  Ye. Kaharova,  F. Belsky, N. Dadenkova,  O. Hraborova,  S. Loktyusheva, O. Fihurina and others.

In 2001, the creative teaching team of the then Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University resumed publication of the honored Journal. It was not a mere tribute to traditions. As the publisher was a pedagogical university, the ambition of the editorial staff was to provide a forum for lecturers, teachers, which could be useful for the faculty of the regional higher educational institutions and bring pedagogical science closer to schools. This goal was achieved successfully, and the growing subscription was the best testimony to that. Among the Journal's constant readers are almost all educational institutions of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

Nowadays, the Journal has undergone significant changes. Its founder and publisher is now a classical university – Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University . Its Editorial Board is comprised of famous Ukrainian educators and scientists, such as V. Kremen, O. Sukhomlynska, as well as foreign scholars: V. Danilchenko, Ph. Fluri, Ph. Gabriel, G. Yuhai, G. Hagerty, M. Sergeyev, E. Tontu. The subject matter of the Journal has considerably widened. The publication covers and discusses the operation and interaction of educational establishments within the Common European Educational Space, etc.

More information is available online: http://pedagogicaljournal.luguniv.edu.ua.

University faculty and, especially, the editorial staff are aware of the challenges in front of them, the most ambitious being the entering of the global educational and informational space. But nearly 100-year history of the University and the experienced Editorial Board are the safeguards of success in undertaking this task. Together, we can expand the horizons of the pedagogical science and practice.

Educators are welcome to participate in creative collaboration!


the Editor-in-Chief,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Professor, Academician of the Academy
of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
Rector of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko
National University





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