Shats’ka Î. P. Teaching Foreign Languages in China
Shats’ka Î. P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Teaching Assistant, Foreign Languages Department, National Transport University (Kyiv)
The article is devoted to the teaching of foreign languages in China from ancient times to the present days. It describes the emergence of first educational institutions devoted to teaching foreign languages and outlines domineering approaches to teaching foreign languages in different historical epochs.
The author showcases a curriculum of a Chinese higher education institution to demonstrate the range of subjects relating to foreign languages. An example of the integration of electronic communication into the process of teaching foreign languages (web sites, language educational software, online journals, electronic libraries, etc.) is given. The advantages of information and communications technology in learning and teaching English are shown. The assessment of foreign language learning outcomes of undergraduate and postgraduate students in China is reported to be conducted on the basis of a national English as a foreign language test, known as College English Test (CET 4 and CET 6).
The article points to the fact that Chinese students take elevated interest in studying foreign languages. Author’s analysis suggests that they enjoy access to a wide range of English-language websites. The introduction of different means of the development of educational activities of students using new technologies (media, TV, Internet, online lessons, etc.), which have proved to be effective means of teaching/leaning foreign languages, marks the shift from “teacher-centered” to “student-centered” educational models.
Further research in this area can be devoted to the investigation of the peculiarities of learning foreign languages by engineering and technical students in Chinese universities.
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