Dymars’ky Ya. M., Kryvko Ya. P. Analytical Geometry Testing and the Ways of its Practical Implementation
Dymars’kyi Ya. Ì., Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O.Didorenko.
Kryvko Ya. P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.
The article discusses the principles of developing tests in geometry for students working toward their degree as teachers of Physics and Mathematics. The advantages of tests compared to other forms of assessment are discussed. The need to develop tests similar to the ones included in the External Independent Assessment is demonstrated. It is suggested that tests in geometry should be of four levels of difficulty: 1) the level of elementary notions given in the form of classical terms; 2) the level of elementary notions presented with the help of “new” terms; 3) the basic level of a higher educational institution; and 4) the advanced level. The author introduces the principles that should be taken into consideration while developing tests in geometry for each level. The first two levels are aimed at testing the knowledge of school geometry course, whereas the third and the fourth are tailored for the standardized curriculum of higher educational institutions. The students’ progression from one level to another is viewed as the indication of the acquisition by them of the content knowledge, as well as their preparedness to teach this content in secondary schools. The task of the first through third levels are close-ended, or multiple-choice, questions, including matchingand correct sequence items, while at the fourth level open-ended questions to be assessed by the instructor are used.
Key words: tests, monitoring of learning achievements, mathematical education, levels of difficulty of the tests, External Independent Assessment, analytical geometry.
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