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2013, ¹ 2

Pevna S. Ye. Basic Approaches to English Language Teaching in the Context of Students’ Subject Position Formation

Pevna SYe., Postgraduate Student, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.

The article focuses on the main approaches to English language teaching in the context of the development of students’ subject position. The author discusses second language acquisition in relation to the notion of linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, and sociocultural competencies. The importance of learning a foreign language as a means of communication in real-life situations for the formation of students’ subject position is emphasized.
Within the framework of this research, three main methods (approaches) to language teaching are distinguished: communicative, intensive, and cultural-linguistic. They all are part of the communicatively-oriented model of language teaching, which allows to achieve the aim of students’ subject position formation by means of the English language. It is determined that the approaches mentioned are focused on widening the world view, increasing the level of motivation, cultivating creative initiative, and promoting effective communication.
On the basis of scientific literature analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of all three methods, as well as the main principles of their application are specified. Taking into consideration the pros and cons of the communicative, intensive, and cultural-linguistic approaches, the author suggests combining them to make the teaching process more effective. The choice of the method should depend on the objective that has to be achieved and the students’ communicative needs.

Key words: method, motivation, educational activity, approach, principle.


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