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2014, ¹ 1

Areshonkov V. Yu. The Development of the Content of Gymnasium Social Sciences at the Beginning of the 20th Century

Areshonkov V. Yu., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

The article addresses the discussions on the content of secondary school philosophical propaedeutics and law studies that took place at the beginning of the 20th Century, when the academic community attempted to optimize their content. The introduction of logics and psychology during this period suggests that, along with the traditional knowledge approach to the content of secondary school education, certain components of objective activity approach were formed. Furthermore, law studies were brought back to the curriculum to develop the legal consciousness of the youth, which, according to the prominent scholars of the 20th Century, should be formed on the basis of acknowledging that leading legal theories, principles, ideas, or institutes are right, just, and essential for the society. Therefore, this academic discipline was designed to cover the historical development and current condition of both positive right of Europe and legal theories of the law that is right, just, and essential for the society.
The author concludes that at the beginning of the 20th Century scholars and educators attempted to move the secondary school social education from the knowledge to the objective activity paradigm. While studying philosophical propaedeutics and law, gymnasium students were expected not only to obtain knowledge, but to master skills as an important tool for their further socialization.

Key words: secondary educational institution, social science, law studies, legal consciousness, objective activity approach.


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