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2014, № 2

Piddiachyi V. M. Motivation to Professional Self-Development of Prospective Teachers

Piddiachyi V. М., Postgraduate Student, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

The professional self-development of prospective teachers unfolds in a number of logically successive and correlated stages. The first stage of the professional self-development of a prospective teacher is the formation of the motivation to its realization. It occupies one of the central places in the self-preparation of students working toward their teaching degree.
In this research, theoretical approaches of national and foreign scholars to the investigation of motivation are presented. These approaches have, then, been adapted by the author in the context of the professional self-development of prospective teachers, which led to a more precise definition of motivation, as well as a more detailed description of its structure.
The available research on the external and internal motivation was analyzed as well. The adaptation of these concepts to the professional self-development of students of higher teacher-training educational establishments has demonstrated their high heuristic potential. Thus, the author was able to develop a range of recommendations for the development of internal motivation. Along the same lines, the basic external and internal motives of the realization of the professional self-development of prospective teachers have been determined and characterized in detail.

Key words: motivation, motive, motivational attitude, necessity, professional self-development of prospective teachers.


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