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2014, № 1

Djordjevic S., Djordjevic L. Speech Development of Preschool Children

Djordjevic L., PhD, Teacher-training Faculty, Vranje, University of Nis.

Djordjevic S., PhD, Teacher-training Faculty, Vranje, University of Nis.

The development of speech and language culture is one of the most important tasks of preschool education. That is why instructors working with preschool children need to constantly stimulate and encourage their language development. Careful selection of children’s literature texts is essential to the accomplishment of this task. This paper analyzes the development of speech in preschool children and the role of children’s literature in its stimulation.
In a research on the pronunciation of preschoolers, a sample of 243 children aged 3 to 7 years was given a standardized articulation test. The research findings give prominence to the early identification and treatment of disorders in sound pronunciation of preschool children to ensure a more adequate help and support from teachers and help children achieve better results, not only in preschool, but later in secondary school years. This emphasizes the need to train teachers to diagnose the speech-language status of children, to use the articulation exercises to practice critical sounds in the Serbian language sound system, and, thus, to correct the articulation disorders not belonging to the etiology of speech pathology.
In this regard, children’s literature is the basis for the realization of activities in the area of discrimination and articulation of sounds and speech in general and, in later stages of the formation of children’s vocabulary, logically connected and cultivated speech, expressive speech and a number of other targeted activities.

Key words: language development, preschool children, articulation, children’s literature.


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